Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur
Museum d’art dal Grischun Cuira
Museo d’arte dei Grigioni Coira

Kinderatelier (9-12​ Jahre)

We take seriously how children of the age group from 9 to 12 years perceive exhibitions and artworks as well as the questions they ask about them. Their own ideas, lives, and worlds play a leading role in discussions and the ways in which they artistically express what they have discovered in the museum. The creative process involves also a focus on art techniques and craftsmanship.

Every two months on Wednesday afternoon, from 2 pm to  4 pm
Language: German
Fee: CHF 10.-
Booking: required

Information and bookings
T + 41 81 257 28 72

More information

Opening hoursTu-Su 10.00–17.00 Th 10.00 – 20.00