Our museum art educators have designed a programme especially for children aged 6 to 8 years to rouse their curiosity about works of art. Youngsters can make artistic creations of their own in a way that incorporates games as well.

Every two months on Wednesday afternoon from 2 pm to 4 pm
Language: German
Fee: CHF 10.-
Booking: required

Information and bookings
T + 41 81 257 28 72

More information

We take seriously how children of the age group from 9 to 12 years perceive exhibitions and artworks as well as the questions they ask about them. Their own ideas, lives, and worlds play a leading role in discussions and the ways in which they artistically express what they have discovered in the museum. The creative process involves also a focus on art techniques and craftsmanship.

Every two months on Wednesday afternoon, from 2 pm to  4 pm
Language: German
Fee: CHF 10.-
Booking: required

Information and bookings
T + 41 81 257 28 72

More information

The Art Museum Graubünden fosters language in a very special way through its art-education programme in Rhaeto-Romanic. The experiences of 6 to 12 year olds in viewing artworks and exhibitions and the related discussions enhance knowledge of their mother tongue. Subsequent to visiting the exhibition, the studio provides an opportunity for them to express their discoveries and what they experienced in the museum in visual and artistic terms. With the our art educator Sarah Clavatescher (whose mother tongue is Rhaeto-Romanic).

Every two months on Wednesday afternoon, from 2 pm to 4 pm
Language: Romansh (sursilvan)
Fees: CHF 10.-
Booking: required 

Insight into the Atelier Romansh
Il Minisgurad dad RTR ha visità l'Atelier rumantsch (a partir da minuta 4:15)

Information and bookings

T +41 81 257 28 72

Das Bündner Kunstmuseum lädt ein zum SonntagsAtelier. Experimentieren und gestalten Sie als Familie, alleine oder im Team. Die aktuellen Ausstellungen oder ein spannendes Thema liefern Ideen für den kreativen Morgen.
Erleben Sie mit der Kunstvermittlerin Sarah Clavadetscher eine Reise durch die Welt der Kunst. Durch die eigene künstlerische Praxis weiss Sarah, was es braucht, damit jede Kreation gelingt.
Das Angebot richtet sich an alle Altersgruppen, Kinder in Begleitung von Erwachsenen.

Sonntage 2024
25. August / 29. September / 27. Oktober / 24. November
jeweils von 10.30–12.30 Uhr

Kosten: Museumseintritt für Erwachsene. Jugendliche bis 16 Jahre und Kinder sind kostenfrei.
Anmeldung: nicht erforderlich

T +41 81 257 28 72

Children’s Vernissage
Children aged 6 and above are invited to experience a very special vernissage: with an art discovery tour, a creative part in the atelier and with a multi-coloured apéro.
Language: German
Fee: Free of charge
Bookings: no registration required

Multi-coloured Children’s Birthday
Children can celebrate a multi-coloured and creative birthday with friends at the Art Museum Graubünden. Cake and drinks are provided by the parents.
Language: German, Romansh (sursilvan), Italian
Fee: CHF 200.00 (excl.VAT/incl.admission)
Duration: 120 minutes
Bookings: required

Information and Bookings
T +41 81 257 28 72

CUC – The Discovery Plan
The discovery plan “CUC” (Romansh for “glimps”) is more than just a general plan. It sharpens the focus on the treasures of the museum and looks behind the scene of the museum operations. The “CUC” invites children age six and above, alone or in exchange with their parents, to discover, to wonder, and to learn. It leads children and families in a playful way through the museum extension and the Villa Planta. By observing, sketching and with quizzes the Art Museum Graubünden can be explored in a new way. The discovery plan is available in the three cantonal languages at the desk free of charge.

CUC – The Discovery Plan

Children’a City Plan
This city plan through the old part of Chur is a guide to the three cantonal museums. Along the way there is much to discover that is exciting and surprising. Upon arriving at the museum the discovery tour continues with games and quizzes.
The children’s city plan is free of charge and is available at the individual museums and at Tourist Information in the underpass of the railway station in Chur.

PDF Children’a City Plan