
The Kunstmuseum Chur library is a reference library and open to the public. Its holdings can be searched for in the catalogue of the Bibliotheksverbundes Graubünden and be consulted on in the library during its opening hours. The library is fitted out for art-theory specialists, art historians, museum staff, and people generally interested in scholarly pursuits.

Growing annually by around 200 books, the library’s current holdings comprise some 10,000 volumes on art from the 19th and 20th centuries as well as contemporary art. The holdings are accrued largely from an exchange of publications with domestic and international art institutions and comprise exhibition and museum catalogues, artists’ monographs and oeuvre catalogues. There is a special focus on contemporary art and a complete-as-possible record of all books on Grisons artists.

Opening times
Tuesday 1:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Contact person
Uta Kohl